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Living our Mission Statement

“We are Christ Centered, Spirit-filled, Mission Oriented, Joyful, Caring and Reaching out with Compassion”

We are Christ Centered…

Jesus, his love, his teaching, his Light and his Joy are at the centered of all that we are and influences all that we do as a parish. Our worship services are centered in him. He is our first love and bringing others into a true and meaningful relationship with him is our focus. Through our ever-growing weekly Bible Study, we are learning to understand everything that Jesus meant during his earthly ministry 2,000 years ago and how dynamically he touches and impacts our lives each and every day with the wonder and beauty of his love. Our Taizé service held on the fourth Wednesday of each month gives another opportunity to experience Jesus in a different, meditative way.


Through the power of The Holy Spirit our many and various ministries have been born. We have learned to discover and are still discovering the gifts that we have been given and are using them to become the body of Christ in Stoney Creek.

Mission Oriented….

Our parish has a “little brown jug” where parishioners can donate money each time that they go to the altar to receive communion. Each month this money is designated to outreach initiatives. During the past year we have changed the lives of children with cleft palates through “Operation Smile”, we have supported “Sleeping Children Around the World” which provides mosquito nets and sleeping mats for children in third world countries, we have supported Dr. Bob Kemp Hospice & McNally House, Canadian Nurses for Africa, The Diocese of the Arctic Arthur Turner Training School, Bishop’s Company and St. Matthew’s House. We have made Christmas a little brighter for three St. Matthew’s House Christmas Families, providing every gift on the wish list for nine children and $100 food gift cards for each family. We lovingly support Martha our sponsored child in Ethiopia. This year we also filled Christmas gift bags for the residents at Pine Villa and Arbour Creek.

We work with R.L. Hyslop School by providing delivery to the food bank for the food that is collected through their food drives.

We reach out to the wider community and welcome them into a safe and friendly environment through our three-monthly luncheons. Faith, Food and Fun which is held on the first Monday of each month provides a hot nourishing meal as well as a sing-a-long and friendly game of Bingo. Still Kickin’ is a morning of Trivia followed by a hot complimentary lunch held on the fourth Thursday of each month and Circle of Friends, new this year, is held on the first Thursday of each month, it too offers a complimentary light lunch and activity. Our knitting group welcomes people from the wider community to join them every Monday afternoon, they have knitted items for St. Matthew’s House, R.L. Hyslop School and Helping Hamilton’s Homeless, as well as providing baptismal blankets for our newly baptized.


Our parish is indeed filled with the joy that comes only from knowing and loving Jesus. We enjoy each other’s company and we care for one another. We are one big extended family. “they will know we are Christians by our love”

Our Sunday School children are a great source of joy for us! They play a vital and active role in who we are providing dramatic interpretations at Easter, Christmas and Palm Sunday.

Caring and Reaching Out with Compassion…

Our Rector conducts three additional service each month at Pine Villa Nursing Home, Amica, and Arbour Creek.

Any food that is not used at our luncheons is stored in microwavable containers, frozen and made available to anyone who is having difficulty cooking for themselves or recuperating from a hospitalization.

Parishioners offer rides to those in need of a transportation to and from church as well as helping those in need of transportation to and from the hospital.

We are intentional in keeping in touch with those who are experiencing difficulty of any kind.

We are in all things committed to lifting Jesus high and are compelled by his love to make a difference in the world. Bev G.

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