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Congratulations to Noreen Felker our newest recipient of the Order of Niagara

On Sunday, November 17th, Noreen Felker became our newest recipient of the Order of Niagara.

Noreen is a lifelong member of the Church of our Saviour the Redeemer. Her ministry is as far reaching as it is long-standing. Noreen currently serves as parish treasurer and has, over the years held this post in addition to fulfilling the roles of parish secretary, comptroller and while serving on the auditors committee at the diocese. Noreen reads at Sunday Services, provides expert assistance with the process of property inspection, handles licensing agreements (payments and insurance), makes sure that the parish is always properly supplied for coffee hour and Wednesday services, provides invaluable support during all fundraising campaigns and for ongoing outreach programs. Noreen supervises and trains all money counters and takes part in the ministry of St. Matthew’s House. She takes an interest in Diocesan matters and is a devoted member of the Bishop’s Company. Beyond the hats that she wears, Noreen is a friendly face at Our Saviour the Redeemer, always welcoming newcomers and taking a keen and active interest in the growth of the parish she loves. She is a constant and familiar face around the church office and an ear for anyone who needs direction or advice. Noreen has a deep and Jesus-inspired kindness and takes a truly genuine interest in the needs and struggles of those less fortunate than herself, particularly as concerns the needs of seniors. She is always quick to recognize if a parishioner needs help or assistance and offers this unconditionally. Noreen is an irreplaceable presence in our Church office and a much loved and respected sister here to all of her parish family.

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