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Our newest Order of Niagara Recipient

Congratulations to Tricia Kalantari our parishes recipient of the Order of Niagara for 2020.

Tricia, with the help of Shami Gaston, do such a wonderful job with our children and young people. Tricia writes and directs plays and skits throughout the year for the children to take part in. The Sunday School has grown under her leadership and the children are growing closer to each other and to Jesus. Tricia has encouraged our teenagers to learn leadership skills by assisting with Sunday School classes as well. Tricia is a Eucharistic Assistant, and has also taken part as a Reader and Intercessor. She is also a member of our Choir. Tricia freely gives of her many gifts so beautifully in very many ways and our parish is honoured to have her as our newest recipient of the Order of Niagara.

Well deserved Tricia!

When we are able to share food again there will be cake!!

Tricia received her certificate and medal on September 22nd from Bishop Susan


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